I am happy to announce my upcoming linguistic validation course for medical translators to be held in June 2024 (in English live streaming on-line).
As a medical translator, maybe you are already familiar with linguistic validation and you are presently working on LV projects, if that is the case, I invite you to take a look at the course and see if it may offer something of interest to you.
On the other hand, if you haven't heard about linguistic validation, and you don't know if this field may be a thing for you, I invite you to find out more, in case this is something that may be a perfect fitting in your career as it was in mine.
The life sciences industry has a huge demand for the translation and cultural adaptation of clinical outcomes assessments (COAs), and the role of medical translators specialized in linguistic validation (LV) is paramount, mostly those who can provide cognitive debriefing services.
No matter your language pair, you are in demand, even though you may not realize it yet! If you have a rare language pair, you are indeed needed, and if you have a common language pair, you are indeed needed as well because clinical trials are being run in your language in great amounts.
Vendor managers (working in LSPs or CROs in the linguistic services) have a very difficult time trying to find what we call "linguistic validation consultants" for the countless of projects and language variants needed in LV projects.
As a side note, a lovely thing about LV is that it requires pure human expertise and the use of AI is not as applicable as in other medical translation fields we are seeing today, mostly when it comes to working directly with patients during the interviewing process of cognitive debriefing. We seldomly use MTPE or any other form of AI. Although it may be used in the future for some aspects of the process, who knows...
I love LV and I must say that today I have the privilege of working exclusively on LV projects. Not because I do not enjoy purely medical translation projects, but because I simply do not have the time for taking on more projects due to the volume of LV ones!
I have been working as a linguistic validation expert for over ten years now and I have trained several companies for the implementation of the LV service. Besides the complexity of the workflows in this type of projects, what always comes to the front is the pressing need for medical translators who are also linguistic validation consultants and may be trained or have experience in this highly complex field.
Keeping this in mind and seeing that there are no courses available for medical translators beyond the internal training within a specific company, and blending my knowledge in the field with my love for teaching, I decided to create this course, in order to bridge this gap and open new opportunities for my medical translators colleagues to expand their careers in a very rewarding niche and to help LSPs and CROs in being able to find the necessary trained LV experts.
Patient-centered clinical trials are multiplying worldwide, and it seems that the increase will be exponential at least up to 2050. The use of COAs is almost a must and nowadays it is rare to find a clinical trial without a COA as an endpoint (either primary or secondary).
Here you have an overview of the course, feel free to leave comments, reach out and find out more! I will be happy to assist you😊
Thank you for reading and wish you a lovely day!!!
Warm regards,
Nur Ferrante
Write a comment
Rosa María Sotillo Martínez (Wednesday, 03 April 2024 15:48)
I would like to get more details, schedule, price, etc.
Nur Ferrante (Wednesday, 03 April 2024 16:00)
Dear Rosa María,
Thank you for your comment.
You may find more details in the landing page of the course here: https://nur-s-site-f6d8.thinkific.com/courses/Linguisticvalidationformedicaltranslators
And also in the "Linguistic validation course" green button at the end of this post. Here you have the direct link:
Please, feel free to reach out if you need any more details at linguisticvalidation@artofdiversity.org
Thank you!
Kind regards,